Sunday, June 05, 2005

I've managed to clean up our room a little -- dusting and reorganizing shelves. Got the kitchen shelves stained -- 4 of them stained and a 5th is halfway there. Tomorrow morning, I'll get up and stain the other half of the fifth one and get the sixth one sanded and stained.

Mike finally THANKYAJAYSUS got the garden tilled. It involved cleaning out the chicken coop to have the appropriate animal feces to put on the plants, but in that chicken coop, there are a lot of mice nesting. Mike, thus, unearthed a number of mouse dens with mouse pups which the chickens promptly chowed down on. Mike claimed he was only fast enough to kill one adult mouse. I'm figuring we've killed enough progeny of mice to keep them out of the house for a bit, anyhow.

Tomorrow, the children will be collecting the eggs, and disposing of them. While I'm not typically super fastidious or anything, the idea of eating eggs that were created by the digestion of baby mice kind of makes me squicky. I know that they may be eating grownup mice on their own, but it still squicks me mightily.

One final mouse story, I swear.

Mike went out to feed the chickens and because he had very intentionally dug a lot under the feeder out there, he found a mouse trying to jump into the feeder and not making it. Then after a couple of attempts, the chickens also noticed the mouse and started towards it. The mouse ran away. Mike was snickering his butt off. Take that mouse population!

Let them eat sagebrush seed!


I am very excited about the new shelves going into the kitchen. It's going to look nicer and more organized and that makes me jolly. The eventual cabinets that we'll put there will make me orgasmic, I suspect, as a result. The best thing is that the big honking industrial baker's rack, will go to the laundry room where I can orgasm further into my organizational hoe-down. This is to say that I need to work on my sex life, I guess, rather than getting my jollies and orgasms from kitchen and laundry organization.

The lack of baker's rack will give us more space for the table. I'm so excited about this, that I may need to get a life.

Well, bock, bock, snore, baby.

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