Sunday, January 07, 2018

Unrest and Butterflies

I just saw the movie, Unrest. The title is supposed to refer to how people should be stirred up by the status quo and how poorly fibromyalgia/ME/CFS folks are treated.  I thought it was more of a reference to how people with fibro never reach deep sleep well, so are in a perpetual state of sleep depravation.  In her very severe case, she's in bed all day not because she's resting, but because she simply can't function normally to walk, talk, etc. without assistance, most of the time, so she IS bed-bound a good chunk of the time. I'm sure it's meant to be some of each.  I'm still mulling over the movie in my head.

Then, she had the millions missing march ( lots of empty shoes missing their people participating in life.  It *can* be like that.  There is that grieving process.  I still wrestle with that myself a great deal.  I'm trying to regain some of my shoes, so I can do more walking and biking and participating.  I still dream of hiking in the wilderness again.  I don't know if it will ever happen again, but I dream of that so often. I often cross-country ski in my dreams.  It's one of the places I live there.

Mike thought it was interesting that the cells of someone with the disorder don't produce energy correctly, so that someone with fibro is better served keeping their exercise in aerobic versus anaerobic levels, so that they aren't drawing on their own mitochondria to produce energy.  It makes me want to read more and hit the books again.

I cried for all the deaths listed at the end of the movie.  With the so-called war on drugs, that list is likely to grow by leaps and bounds for all of us, who advocate and live with these issues.  My butterflies are there now.