Saturday, September 21, 2002

Just remember you heard it here first.

I walked in this morning, had an email from my boss asking me to come to his office before our 830 meeting. I went to review my other email and had him intercom me and ask me to come down there.

As I came down the hall, I saw him walk into a personnel person's office and then say something like he'd be there in a minute.

He said something like "we're letting you go because we can't keep you busy enough" and then told me I'd be walked down to my desk to retrieve a few things and turn in my key. I actually got him to admit that he didn't/wouldn't train me and then he said,"I really need someone who can pick this up in an ad hoc manner." I know people who have worked there for several years in a technical capacity who do not know the system at all, so it's not me. If I'd even been pointed at some documentation, I'd have been thrilled to pieces.

The severance they're offering is abysmal -- one week of pay. I not only gave up several interviews, potentially lost two jobs because I had this one, but I also gave up my web class that I really wanted and am taking the torturous VB class instead because my boss requested it.

This job has cost phenomenal amounts of money and time and one week of severance isn't going to cover it. In addition, they want me to sign a separation agreement, which to me means that they are really aware that they fucked me over.

I'm consulting an attorney to see if I can get a better severance package. I think this one sucks.

On the good news front, we've got a new bunny. I was going to name him Serenity, but he's the color of coffee and is small enough to fit in a mug, so his name has been officially changed to Coffee Cup.

CC is about as sweet and mellow a bunny as you'd find about anywhere and is perfectly content to sit wedged between my boobs as most of my babies (Angie and Cowboy, Russell and Genny) have. He's getting comfortable enough at times to put his nose in the air and twitch it, and is generally content to be pet a lot. He doesn't make me sneeze or wheeze, so that's a plus.

Now, if I could just get my stomach to settle down and quiet my head enough to sleep, I'd be all set. This 3AM shit, sucks, although I did find my brother-in-law online -- a fellow insomniac this morning.

And I've got an all day class tomorrow.

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