Sunday, August 01, 2004

Politics have been bugging me a lot lately.

At heart, I'm of the green philosophy. I'm a Hippie Momma throwback at heart. Candyassed liberal -- All the way, baby.

However, because the Green Party hasn't got a rat's ass chance in hell of winning an election, I'm becoming a hard-core democrat, promoting my own green agenda at home, being that such things should start at home. And I love many of the democratic politicians -- the Clintons,'s liberal and social of me, but that's the way I am. I can't say I'm thrilled with John Kerry -- he doesn't give me political wood -- but he comes across as a New England democrat. He genuinely cares about other people and while he's not as charismatic as Clinton (nor as much of a ho!), he does give me the sense that he'll work to do right.

I've been annoyed by criticism that he "flip-flops" on votes. The thing is he voted for us to go to war -- and based on the info he had, heck, anyone would have gone to war. He didn't know, as did none of congress, that the info they were being presented was mostly fabricated rubbish from the Bush administration. Now, he's against us being there. The thing is that a good politician to me, is someone who is willing on a regular basis to evaluate the information and make a reasonably informed choice on my behalf. If based on the information, the politician thinks something is a bad idea, I've given them my permission to make the best informed choice they can. Kerry does that. And this war?

Well, sheeeeit.

Bush has been dragging this thing on as long as he can, so he can look like some kind of war hero. Unfortunately, the cost is that we're losing human beings in this fabricated war. The thing is if Bush had actually GONE to war and BEEN a war hero, like say um, John Kerry, he might be more believable. Instead, he's been doing some kind of dance of the tarantella, undulating from vague lie to vague lie about his "service" in the National guard, which apparently, no one on God's green earth can actually find proof of. And Kerry not only served, but then he came home and protested the war because he saw horrible things being done in the name of the US. People say he protested like it's dirty. He protested because he loved his country -- which is the same reason he went to war. He didn't want our country to be known for war atrocities! I don't either.

However, under Bush's administration we have military personnel perpetrating some not so cool war-time behavior in Iraq. If Bush had the nads of a tse-tse fly, he'd be apologizing, but his approach is that um, he just didn't know about it. Frankly, as Commander-in-Chief, however, it still makes him responsible. No one expects him to have known about it, but at least to acknowledge it, apologize for it to the parties involved, like a freakin' adult...stuff like that, yes, the American Public and the international community expect those kind of manners.

Seemingly, George must have inhaled a LOT in the early 70's. Or maybe we can attribute that to brain damage/forgetfulness from his youthful drinking. Gee, this screams Reagan in Iran-Contra: "I can't recall."

George, if you ignore it, it doesn't go away. However, you just keep ignoring it...and then, hopefully, voters will see to it that you go away. Ignorance may be bliss, but it isn't presidential.

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