Thursday, August 12, 2004

I made jam tonight with lime, lemon peel and lemon, added into the apricots. It'll be nummy. More jam. Lots and lots of jam. If I am a good jam monkey, I will stay home tomorrow and make more jam.

If not, I'll be the bad jam monkey hanging out with the 10 year old, applying for temporary work and watching the Yu-Gi-Oh movie.

Today, I took Bear shopping. Yeah, *that* was so exciting. Not!

I got him jeans and long-sleeved shirts. I found Genny a couple of cute jumpers. I found Mike a $2 pair of shorts and a few nice shirts for winter. I found me a pair of dress pants and a couple of $5 shirts. JCPenney outlet is the bomb, baby.

The thing that made me want to sell my body on the streets for pocket change? They had these matching beautiful blue wingback chairs that would look loverly in my livingroom, in lieu of the hunter green one that doesn't match anything, despite being a really nice chair. $100 a piece. So, I didn't buy them.


And they had short-short underwear. Thongs, I realize are the thing now, but short-short underwear? I kept thinking, oh, yeah, I need one more thing crawling up my ass, disguised as underwear.

So tired, I'm jaded. I tell ya.

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