Tuesday, August 24, 2004

My sugars are officially better. I actually had a fasting sugar this morning of 110. Not great, but honestly, better than the 138 of just a few days ago.

I'm still tired, but I figure I'll just take naps as I need them and go with it. I am eating on a schedule, which is working pretty well for me. The only drag is that last night because it cooled down, we didn't run the fan and that had screened out the cock-a-doodle doo-ing of the 4 fucking roosters. Apparently, the roosters think that 530AM is when everyone should get up.

I'm thinking I need to make rooster stew. One goes off and then the other three talk to it.

Yesterday, I nearly killed my son because he let the damned chickens out and we had to shoo them out of the garden 20 times. I have lotsa veggies and I'm not sharing them with the chickens. I'll be so glad when Mike finally puts the cement in the chicken run, so we can let them out during the day at least there.

I know they like to explore, but they're so disgusting and EVERYWHERE that I'm not gonna do it. On top of that, we've started having a lot of coyote visits in the wee hours, so we really need to protect them from becoming food. I guess we could um *accidentally* leave out a couple roosters. :)

Oops. Wow, we seem one rooster short. *evil grin*

Russell didn't get the cat in last night and is all freaky that she got eaten. I heard the coyotes last night, so me, too.

He's been out calling for her, so hopefully, she'll come back home. Otherwise, I think we're going to take a couple kittens from his friend's cat's new litter. *sigh*

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