Sunday, August 15, 2004

I don't know what happened, but basically, I'm a giant ache only relieved by a lot of ibuprofen mixed with tylenol. It's fucking embarrassing.

I went swimming yesterday and I think I was already tired, but add to that the short night's sleep last night due to a persistent husband before bedtime and a promise to the 10 year old at wake up, and I'm toast.

Today, we had a birthday party/BBQ in the park out, which ended abruptly when the lightening, thunder, and rain started to come down and the pinata contents were tossed, but thank God. I was so damned tired and my feet were just killing me. We got pounded here for an hour or so and things moved on, but it was scary -- you could see the lightning strikes really close to where we were with kids.

However, spiffy thing about today? Two people told me how much weight I've lost since they saw me last -- a year ago.

I need to lose the rest and get down to somewhere between a little frumpy and svelte, which coincidentally lands between mild aching and slight muscle soreness.

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