Monday, November 25, 2002

When I came home from class on Saturday night, I walked into a disheveled house that had no dinner cooking. I was exhausted and asked Mike to just take me somewhere to get some food. So he did. We went out to something I totally expected would be rather lousy low-end food, but it was good and when I got home, I quilted for half a hour, fell asleep in the chair, and then got up around 9 and went to bed. I have no memory of Michael coming or going in the room, except when I started awake when he came in the room once. I woke up at 8AM, and felt like I could still sleep another million years.

Mike asked,"Why are you so tired?" I looked at him and said,"Well, it probably has something to do with a 40 hour work week, 11 hours of class, and endless amounts of homework, plus house chores." He had this blank look, realizing he was dangerously close to a death wish, and said,"Yeah, I forgot you had so much class, this week." I thought he'd been pretty diplomatic considering his brush with death.

He got to go be a lumberjack all day because he went to BLM land with LaDawn's husband and got firewood for us. Hunt, gather, repeat.

I went to Costco and bought Thanksgiving fixin's and dragged two children through the horror that is Costco. The most exciting part of the day was the drive to Costco.

Genny, who'd been happily munching on an apple, starts to yell from the back seat with a rather nasal sound,"My nose, mama, my nose." She's just getting over a cold and as I reached for the spare napkins in the glove compartment, I said,"Oh, you need to blow your nose, sweetie?" "No, mama, my nose!" "You need to blow your nose?" "No, mama, apple ma nose!" "You hit your nose with your apple? Okay, honey, be careful not to do that." "No, mama, apple in ma nose." I said blithely,"An apple can't fit in your nose." Genny says insistently,"Yeah, mama, apple in ma nose."

I look over my shoulder in time to see her finger up her nose trying to fish the apple out. We stopped to get gas, and I had her blow her nose a bunch until the apple chunk came out far enough to yank out of her nose. "Genny, please don't put things up your nose. Bad can get hurt." "Kay, mama."

Weird little baby. Half an hour later, I look down in time to see her putting the straw from her sippy cup up her nose.

Mama sighed.

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