Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Java Joe's slid down this morning like love in my tummy. Double mocha...even the words slide across the tongue and infer a sensuality that normally exists between sheets not between lid and mug. Did I mention, I'm a coffee slut?

I walked early this morning and I made LaDawn turn the other way, so we headed south where the dark sky still held some hope in the back of my mind that indeed, the Leonids might show themselves. As we turned west and north, we saw the full moon hover over the snow-capped mountains. When we turned south, the sun was just starting to press her light into the canvas of sky and as I glanced over my shoulder, the moon was brighter and the mountains were tinged pink. LaDawn and I turned and stopped and we both said,"Wow" at the same time. Usually, we talk the entire walk, but we both fell silent this morning after that.

I gave her a bag of clothes from my car -- a combination of stuff for her oldest, things for the younger girl in the daycare, and a few things she'd loaned Genevieve, when Gen's clothes had gotten thrashed playing, and we wished each other a good day.

I think sometimes in the course of realizing God's gradeur, I am surprised at how quiet I become.

CS's baby may be home soon...her sugars are normalizing, finally. Her mom will have a whole bucket of blessings to count over Thanksgiving, if that baby comes home. The baby seems to have suffered a somewhat nebulous "birth trauma" which makes me feel angry, because she was born c-section. What did that hospital DO to that child?

Katen's quilt is coming along though. I prayed as I finished the row last night. I enjoy setting the pictures just so. I just would like to say "NYAH!" to naysayers of the one-way fabric and fussy-cutting. There's something elegant in the calculation of each piece and its facing.

Katen, moonset, sunrise -- grand blessings.

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