Wednesday, November 13, 2002

My arthritis is killing me today. My hands won't hardly uncurl they hurt so much. I don't know why, but I am trying to be brave about it and avoid drugs. Mostly, I think I am saving them up for the quilt-a-thon later. I've got so much done on it. The star points are finally done -- trimmed and everything. I am only 18 away on the nine patches. I have some the strips cut out already. I have to then measure everything and get the rows sewn together because we start the finishing process this week.

I don't know that I'll have that much time for actual quilting on it. I may just do a little quilting by hand and finish the rest by machine. I am thinking of doing something kind of hokey in the quiliting, but I figure it's a baby quilt, so hokey's okay.

Yesterday, Mike was a butt to me and I went out with LaDawn for a bit. I just didn't want to deal with him or his crap. He knew he was busted when I told him I wasn't staying for dinner. I went and ate pizza with LaDawn and we shopped a little at K-mart. I just bought some dust wipes.

I came in later and both kids were bathed and fed. Amazingly enough, he'd done dishes and wiped the table clean. Essentially, he was working himself up to a big butt kissing. He apologized for screaming at me, but I guess I've been feeling frustrated with his behavior for a few days, so the apology fell short. He has been a complete asshole to me and there's no particular reason why, according to him, so he's just being an asshole for fun, I guess. It's worrisome with a new job starting next week that he's being a bitch to me and we start something new, thus, stressful next week.
Men! You can't live with them, you can't back over them with your pick-up legally any more.

Okay, so I need to get to quilting and doing my house chores. I'm only a domestic goddess for 6 more days, so I better make it count before I turn into a working mother again.

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