Thursday, June 10, 2004

My period got better, but geesh, labor was about as awful. I just hope that next month isn't going to be that "fun." If so, I'm going to talk to Mike about how he'd feel about my sex change operation. Okay, maybe I'm not that willing to forego multiple orgasms, but you think weird things when it hurts that badly.

I wrote out a grant proposal and got the whole thing out the door and then the secretary, God Bless Her, called me to say that I'd changed the name of the addressee. I'm a stupidhead. No harm, no foul, as I'm able to print out the corrected version and she'll slip it into our application.

I'm learning. This is my first real one. I'm so excited and expectant. I tell ya.

I'm also lassoing friends into this. I think a benefit concert at Christmas that benefits Toys for Tots is a good cause and I'm going to pester everyone I know with two cents to rub together to do this with me. I'm like that.

I've got to finish the garden, get caught up on my sewing, and do laundry. However, laundry is currently an interesting proposition because the dryer broke. I'm hanging everything on the line until Monday when the part should be here. Suffice it to say, I'm learning the joys of fabric softener because towels straight out of the washer with no fabric softener are rough, which I don't like. It's not like I'm too delicate for myself, but I just like my towels to feel soft and mushy not rough and papery and I like my little fabric softener sheets.

You've gotta take joy from the little things!

I don't know if it's the transit of Venus or what, but doesn't it seem like a lot of bad things have been happening to a lot of good people? I don't want to recount the list of bad stuff around me, but it's been really hard to watch friends suffering. I've got a long prayer list is what it amounts to. I'm just hanging in there asking God to hold everyone in the light.

I know someone who's getting a divorce, someone whose kids have been "legally" kidnapped, someone who's been unemployed a long time, and a lot of people with icky medical issues. It's hard not to worry, you know?

I have so much of my own stuff, it's been difficult to pull my head out of the sand long enough to take care of me and then take care of everyone else. I usually take care of everyone else first and then about the time I'm ready to pass out from low sugars, I remember I should eat and take care of me.

Not good.

I haven't got a handle on how to fix this yet. I guess I'll be working on that.

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