Monday, June 14, 2004

I hit a wall today about 430 again -- I'd been doing stuff with the kids all day, brought them home and promptly fell deeply asleep in my chair. I heard the kids bickering and asked if Russell would play Candyland with Genny to keep her busy until Daddy came home and then fell right back to sleep again. I felt pitiful.

I also found out that to do Russ' adoption, I have to actually hire an attorney, but that it will cost about $1000, which is a lot less than I anticipated, if I had to hire a lawyer. Normally, I think we would just do it ourselves, but because we have to file for abandonment charges against the biological father, I want to have the attorney. The good news is that because this is a step adoption, we don't have to endure the social services interview or anything else.

Tomorrow, I am calling the doctor, because I'm getting worse instead of better and it is NOT related to my sugars. Also, I'm finding myself short-sugared at times, because of the thyroid meds. Today, I was so damned busy, I spaced it.

I want to exercise, but I barely have energy to do so. I feel crippled -- absolutely crippled by exhaustion.

Going to crawl into bed because I need to get some more sleep -- believe it or not.

And tonight, I made the most yummy peanutbutter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. I used about a cup less sugar than they called for and they were really good and didn't seem to be missing the sugar and they'll be a good snack to take in tow with the kids.

Swim lessons again tomorrow. I must say that the joys of being a "pool" mom are highly overrated.

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