Saturday, March 20, 2004

So, I know the oven repair guy is coming today and we got told yesterday to expect him late because despite the fact that we had a "morning" appointment, we were number eight on a list of 18. So I'm thinking about dinner time, you know?

He called at 11 and said within about 45 minutes.

I've been a raving lunatic because I expected I had all leisurely danged day to clean the house, so he didn't report us to the health department and well, we don't.

Mike showered and then finished the mopping. I had Russell vacuum twice (poor kid!) and kept sending Genny outside to play so she wouldn't muck anything up.

Oh, and I'm sitting here half dressed (try not to imagine -- you'll make yourself ill) typing this, wondering if the noises I'm hearing in the kitchen are the guy or Mike finishing the floors.


And dude -- I'm finding fleece for $2-4 a yard on sale at various places and making quick blankets for Genny's preschool. I've got to get to the other ones, but I think I'm going to end up waiting til May, as I'm up to my butt in papers this month and work and stuff like that.

Must. Flee. This. Place.

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