Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Just call me the undisputed queen of the very long day.

I did an observation today of a child who has all the earmarks of a very ADHD child at my babygirl's old daycare. It made me sad. He absolutely was not able to stop fidgeting. All the other kids were attentive during reading time, but he was alternately playing with his tongue and then his fingers & tongue so much that he ended up drooling on himself and having to wipe his chin. Which while damned funny, also represents a problem in terms of how school will work out for him later.

During schoolwork time, he absolutely could not stay on task for any reason. While he did a much better job of coloring than the other kid, the other kid was done with all his schoolwork and playing in about 20 minutes. This kid was still at it after 45.

He seemed behaviorally okay, other than the obvious attention issues, while I was there. However, the caregiver informed me that he got into a knockdown drag out brawl with another kid after I left, which is precisely the reason I wanted to observe him, but I will just keep visiting and then come up with a plan with his caregiver. So far, whenever I've been there, he's been good as gold, so maybe we need to get past the "Hey, cool new person spending time here" phase and get right down to the "I'm comfortable with you around, so I'm going to knock the socks off another kid" phase.

I think he is a kid that would really benefit from a positive reward system. I've got to get my damned book from Am@zon, though, to start to discuss it with his caregiver.

His parents are very touchy about the whole thing

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