Friday, March 19, 2004

The Friday Five

If you ....

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

I would probably serve homestyle meals for families. I would also probably have a pretty extensive selection of vegetarian selections because I'm a really good vegetarian cook. Though my family will eat such things, my husband would rather have his meat and potatoes. The only exception he makes to that is my vegetarian lasagna which is famous with friends in several states. I haven't had the time to do tofu balls, but I think I could win him on that, too.

I make really good meals. I have a good sense of smell, so I know rather intuitively the kinds of things to make each meal amazing. I swear I am not bragging. I have friends who come to my house to eat on a regular basis and rave on and on about the food.

My desserts, on the other hand, are pretty limited. I make a really yummy chocolate chip cookie and delish brownies. Beyond that I am the undisputed queen of the lemon cake and any kind of fresh fruit betty, torte, or pie. I think for desserts I would have my friend Mel and her sister come bake for me and we'd run the place together. Those two are amazing dessert chefs. *drool*

I would also, due to my deep and abiding love of the chile pepper have to have an extensive salsa bar.

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?

I would run a thrift shop that helped the poor in my community. I would see people's throw away stuff and I'd probably even go so far as to sell stuff that would help someone refinish furniture pieces and I would specialize in retaining kids' clothes for all sizes. I might even run furniture refinishing classes to help folks do a good job of it.

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?

I still want to write a book on the families of children with disabilities.

4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?

I would teach hands on science, and would find ways of including everything else in the same gasp. By teaching science that kids can touch, you can include literacy, math, and a lot of other stuff. You could teach chemical reactions by having kids bake! You could show the life cycle by having them grow a garden and figure out ways to keep the bunnies out.

5. ...recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?

Irish folk music.

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