Friday, March 21, 2003

Every time the war news comes on TV, I find myself curled up in a ball, crying like a baby. Phrases like "minimize civilian casualties" "unfortunate aspects of war" and "making progress" send me over the edge.

I have a picture in my head of a family in Baghdad huddled in the safest space they could find in their home, holding and comforting their children in "Shock and Awe." But then I wonder. I wonder how they are eating and living and getting by. I wonder how devastating it is for the children. I wonder if they have power or gas to cook by. I wonder if they have stocks of water, food, and candles. I wonder if they hate all Americans for scaring them so much. I wonder if they hate me. I wonder if they are praying. I know I am.

Right now, I am praying that whatever happens, ends soon. I am praying that no one gets hurt. I am praying that all the soldiers come home. Soon.

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