Monday, April 19, 2004

Well, the news is kind of good news/bad news...

They did use the Bethesda scale and I met the criterion for severe displasia (cuz I asked). What results they got back does mean possible cancer, though she does not think I am cancerous from what little she could see. She said that the transitional area is not "cancerous looking." However, the biopsy will tell.

Also, there's not much out around in the cervix which indicates severe displasia, but I have an IUD and it's very possible that it's all up in the canal, which is a cause for concern. She took biopsies and cultures from everywhere. We won't know for sure what's going on until the biopsy results come back (I'll hear Thursday AM), which will also tell us whether this is a high-risk viral strain or a low-risk viral strain for cancer.

Either way, it's more waiting, unfortunately.

The doctor is pretty sure she'll need to do the loop procedure and remove part of my cervix. Because of the procedure mechanics, she is going to have to remove the IUD. Because it's possible I may have to have this done a few more times, it will have to stay removed.

Mike and I have already set the appointment for the vasectomy consultation-- as I can't have more kids after this is done and Mike and I definitely do not want any more children, unless we adopt.

I even posed the question -- What if something happens and we divorce and you find the woman of your dreams and she wants kids? He said,"She can adopt. I *have* two kids. Otherwise, she can find someone else."


Additionally,with my diabetes and other health concerns -- I can't handle hormones at all, nor take the physical risk that pregnancy poses and Mike doesn't want me to.

I told Mike he can't tell his family until afterwards because his mother will shit herself. She nearly had a cow when we had mentioned it before right after having Genny. She may hear about the cancer scare stuff, but we're not discussing fallout with her by any means.

I'm going to bed now because I'm cramping and uncomfortable, despite 800 mg of ibuprofen.

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