Thursday, February 05, 2009

Despite my stupid flu shot, I've got the flu and bad. Even my finger, toes, and ankles joints are hurting.

I slept for a couple hours and now, I'm up because the joint pain woke me up. I took some tylenol, though I really wanted some doggone vicodan. I finally got celebrex today, so my knee doesn't make me want to curl up in a ball and die. I've been sporadically taking vicodan over the past week to get through and I always feel wiggy about taking anything other than one at night because I've often been taking 2 at night and then one in the morning this past week. I understand how people do get addicted to these things because it's such a relief not to feel the pain even for a few hours.

Fortunately, 3 vicodan in one day does not make me a hardcore addict and it buys me enough relief to be functional without celebrex. Thankfully, I'm on celebrex again, though, so I'm setting aside my foray into vicodan for just regular tylenol and I doubled up on my celebrex to get some of the swelling down.

Swelling you say? Yeah. I'm so darned graceful, I tell you what! I had the coordination and misfortune to take a bad slip in the tub. A straw from one of Genny's juice things had fallen in the tub from the trash can and I didn't see it and my foot hit that thing and went sliding. I grabbed for the stupid curtain rod and screeched in pain which got Mike flying out of bed to help me at 445 am. My knee has been swollen and horrible all day.

Add that to the flu pain and I'm a pain-ridden wreck. I'm talking to my doctor about that tomorrow. Feh.


Anonymous said...

The daugther of one of my co-workers came down with the flu this past weekend and also had foot and finger pain. I guess those are the symptoms :-(


mathmom said...

There are meds they can give for the flu now -- ask your doctor about those too! Antivirals.

Red Neck Ruby said...

With my diabetes, it just goes bacterial sooo fast. I literally didn't know I was sick and had a virus until it hard started to flip and then I knew it "was" a virus. By that time, I'd gotten on the antibiotics and was just waiting for those to kick over. This morning was better.