Friday, February 13, 2009

If bones could be tired to their bones, my bones' bones would be exhausted.

Valentine's day is just kind of fun for me. I bought a few things for the kids. I got G-bug a webkins, which I'd never heard of. When I heard about it, I knew it was a Genny kind of thing. I got Russell a Valentine's mouse. I got Mike a cute little frame and I'm going to have Genny take pictures of me and then I'll pick the nicest one and put it in there for him. I also got Genny and I matching flower pens that fit in a pot.

Work sucks. Nuff said.

Mike rocks. He gets up every morning, gets me breakfast and coffee, and helps me with lunch. He's doing all the errands and we plan meals for the week on weekends.

He's applying for work. He's looking into how to get coursework. He's a great human.

I wish I had more energy and time to have sex with him is all. :D

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