Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Saw the bariatric surgeon today.

I'm starting vitamin and food supplements/replacements. We'll test and see how it goes.

The prospect of this surgery has me in and out of tears. My mother had expressed concern about that I might die. I have come to grips with that I am going to die, if I don't do the surgery. I'm done duking it out with my thyroid. I am truly done.

He also wants me to get the orthopedist to get me to a physical therapist who can set up a means for me to exercise. This gives me hope. I just hope it doesn't involve vicodan every time I exercise.

Tomorrow is the boy's adoption hearing. I think it's mostly a formality, at this point. We pulled Russell out of school for the day and I'm taking him to see Narnia. In the evening, he picked out a restaurant. I'm thinking I would like to toss a party for New Year's commemorating this, so I'm going to put feelers out and see what people's plans are.

So...terrified of dying, Russell experiencing completion...yeah, that covers it.

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