Wednesday, July 07, 2004

So we are talking serious edema -- I've got elephant ankles like you wouldn't believe and there's not a good reason for it. I've been walking, working, and busy; my sugars are good; I have no idea what's up. I just keep thinking in my head that if I call my doctor he's just going to yell at me and tell me to exercise.

My problem is that I've been so sick for so long that it's hard to do much right now. I walked all over Costco yesterday and my feet and legs are KILLING me. I walked up the hill a little and was completely winded. I'm not used to being this bad off. It scares me.

Tomorrow morning, I'm setting the clock for 6AM and going to the pool. I don't know how much exercise I'll be up to doing, but I figure at least I can move in the water -- even if it's just slowly treading water and it'll be something. I don't know if it will help the edema, but it'll help my frame of mind, which is also a good thing.

I also think my thyroid isn't quite there yet because I am dealing with the muscle soreness shit. I've been feeling better and more energetic since I have been using the machine for my apnea, but I'm still a little logey and draggy. Yesterday, I was a bad patient and I actually took a half tab more of my thyroid meds and felt really good. I think I have to take my meds for another week at their current level and I may be able to go get another blood test. If the test comes back that things aren't too high, then I can request a step up in meds. I am afraid to tell the doctor that I fucked around with the meds, but I hate feeling so close, yet so far.

I got my anti-bunny pee and my fruit tree netting. Tomorrow, I will begin testing each against pests.

Oh, and I've got plum trees not cherry trees. So I found a recipe for raspberry-plum jam. Yum! I don't think I'm up for canned plums -- that whole stewed prunes for the elementary school cafeteria dessert nightmare still haunts me. I'm thinking I might drive to California and berry pick and then I'll invite Mel and Donna up and we'll have a canning hoe-down.

The thing that worries me, too, is that I'm waking up very red-faced and flushed and I don't know what to attribute that to. I know that apnea can make you have high blood pressure, but I don't have high blood pressure. I looked up thyroid stuff and nope. I know that sometimes people who drink have that, but I don't drink. *sigh* I looked at the American Diabetes Site and it said nothing about the flushed stuff. I should probably go get checked.

I swear, I'm getting scared enough to consider gastric bypass surgery, but that's a whole 'nother kind of scary.

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