Friday, July 23, 2004

I went and saw Mike's grandparents last night. I drove up yesterday and we had a nice time. The kids really enjoyed it, but admittedly, the sleeping arrangments were difficult. Because they're "camping out," we had to sleep on inflatable beds, which while not in and of itself a big deal, ended up being problematic because every time you move on them they make that rubbery fart sound.

So last night, Genny spent nearly two hours fooling around with the zipper on her sleeping bag on the floor until I scolded her and she conked at 1030. Russell then started making bed-farting noises about 430 this morning on the bed -- which was awful. On top of that, I brought the face mask and only part of the nose gear for my breathing machine and the mask just has to be squeezed too tight on my face to feel good and after I'd already moved the beds around, I realized I'd apparently selected the inflatable bed with the slow leak. After listening to Russell's bed make farting noises while he tossed and turned, it was at this point that it occurred to me that a separate room for all of our Orlando vacation might be good. Although, with Russell, we forgot his sleeping meds, so that may have been a contributing factor for him.

I tried to sleep this afternoon, but just laid in bed with my eyes closed for an hour because my TMJ thingy is in the car and it's a hundred degrees and I'm too butt tired and cranky to go get it.

Color me pitiful.

On the super news front, not only am I getting enough oxygen at night, but the endicrinologist I saw tripled my thyroid meds. Give me a few weeks, and I bet you I'll be a shiny new member of the human race.

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