Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Russell has been on a new medication regimen to help him gain weight. They changed his bedtime med to something that increases his appetite and he hasn't been chowing down, particularly, but he is eating more than he used to.

However, he had been looking gaunt -- his facial features were angular and a little gray. He looked to me like one of the starving children of Africa, but he was in my house. I was prepared to take him off meds for the summer, put up with his shit, and just feed him.

We took him to the doctor and in one and a half months the child has put on 10lbs and 2 inches of height! I cried. He jumped for joy!

This weekend, I made a big stink of going through all his clothes, so I could inventory what he needs for school. You couldn't have wiped the joy off that kid's face if you tried as pants, jeans, jammies, and shirts were put in the "too small" pile.

Everyone's been commenting on how tall he's getting.

Why, yes. Yes, he is.

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