Monday, September 05, 2005

Okay, you might be living with rednecks if...

...when you go to a country fair and people periodically fill the air with,"Yahooooooo!" and "Yeehaw!" as they watch a Hawaiian dance exhibition.

...said country fair is a Cantaloupe festival.

...there's a quilt raffle at the country fair.

...the hippie tie dye tent in the vendors' section is on the far side of the fair in the back.

...vendor stalls include one that sells Halloween signs that say,"Here he lies dead and hard, that last damned dog who crapped in my yard."

...a few people stare when you have the gall to put on sunscreen. of the big events is the "little cowboy and little cowgirl" competition and some of the ugliest gussied up kids you ever saw line up in stetsons, spurs, bolos, bandana prints, and denim, with their bucktoothed and toothless parents prodding them onto stage.

...cantaloups are spelled "cantaloupes" because well, now, that's fancy. (What's worse, I thought it was spelled cantalope and I'm a good speller and the owner of an apparently quite useless English degree)

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