Thursday, January 29, 2004

Well, after screaming and screaming on the phone at the school district office, suddenly, the school is bending over backwards to be particularly nice to me, including giving me the IEP meeting I requested in writing, rather than the stupid "interdisciplinary meeting" that the counselor was pushing for. No, we are rewriting his IEP goals and I'm not going to be nice. I'm going to be demanding and you WILL comply.

I've got a call in for an appointment with the principal to let her know how much this particular teacher sucks rocks. I also am going to let her know how this man violated FERPA and left the school open to a law suit. I'm going to let her know how ignorant he's been regarding my son's disability and just how completely angry, frustrated, and irate I am.

On Wednesday, I've got friends, classmates and an advocate from a local parent-to-parent group coming to Russell's IEP meeting. Russell is going to sit this one out. He asked me,"Oh, because you're going to kick some ass, Mom?" Somewhat abashed I said,"Yes. I believe it's called a bloodbath, Russell."

"What's a bloodbath, Mom?"

"It's where there's lots of blood, guts, and violence. "

"Are you going to yell a lot?"

"No, but they are NOT going to like me, I'm pretty sure."

I also want him to sit it out because a lot of it does not concern him, but rather his teachers and their techniques, or rather, lack of technique. I reviewed the goals with him. I will be reviewing them with the advocate and then, after we have rewritten the IEP, I will NOT sign it until after I have taken it home and reviewed it and had my Special Ed advisor review it as well as the LEGAL advocacy person I've been talking to.

I have promised Russell that he will come in for the next meeting and he was ok with that.

I feel like the Power Rangers:"It's morphin' time!"

Hi, my name is Redneck Ruby, and my shitkickers are shined and pointy for all the ass they are about to kick.

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