Sunday, May 11, 2003

Tomorrow is the deadline of two finals. One of which I have halfway done and the other I've been thinking about and have half an outline to in my head.

When asked what I wanted for mother's day, I said I wanted them all to leave the house, so I can do my work. I've been doing it, but to no avail. I am feeling lost about the one topic.

I'm supposed to synthesize some reading and do it with a zinger at the end. My problem is that I want to save the world and I know exactly where I'd start and how I might do it, but that I don't have all the words for it. Well, that and someone else in the book wrote my damned essay, so now I have to reinvent the essay in my own words. I'm pitiful, I tell you.

I am of a mind that all children should be in the same classroom, regardless of abilities and that an adequate educational program should be inclusive of all those abilities. I am of a mind that instead of spending money on specialists if we spent money paying more than one teacher to manage a 30 pupil classroom that project-based classes could be developed in team situations with teachers and parents and children that would incorporate all skill levels and allow all students to experience a successful educational experience.

Call me crazy. Call me insane. That is just what I think. I think if we spent less money on specialists and more money on basic classroom strategies that allowed for things like "the instructional conversation" or an "educational dialog" that you could have all students be successful with little or no ostracism of people with learning or language differences.

Me and Thomas More...we're like peas in a pod. Utopia, baby, all the way!

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