Friday, January 24, 2003

I have never seen fog here and it's a complete white out pea soup mess out there this morning. I also have a lot of work to get done that I am avoiding.

The house is an unadulterated pit. I've been trying to run the vacuum for a week and it just hasn't been happening. The bedroom is a freaking health hazard. Mostly just piles of clothes, but ewwwww! And the boy has been mimicking mommy. He's been "cleaning his room" for close to a week. I told him that when I was a child, if I didn't clean my room, my mom went in and took everything out in garbage sacks and threw out whatever she felt like tossing. I told him I was damned close to doing the same thing because it was just too gross.

I guess I should clean my room, and thus, end the hypocrisy.


Examples to set, people to see, places to go.

And we figured out the money thing. Michael can only be at so much negative vacation time and then it becomes unpaid time. So he didn't get paid for 8 hours, which of course, we didn't and if we had, we'd have done something different time off -wise over the holiday.

Oh, shit! Genny's quiet -- gotta fly!

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