Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Sick children suck. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing sends me over the edge more than the honking cough of one of my children from deep in the bowels of the house.

It makes me want to reach for xanax because there's not a freaking thing I can do to help them. I can make them comfortable, but they have to duke it out with the cold/flu of the minute.

I had it and took antibiotics and killed the infection part, but the mucous just stays and stays. I swear I have thick paste coating my bronchii. Russell has full blown croup/bronchitis from it and is a wreck and man, that kid can cough sooo loud. It sucks.

His coughing puts me on edge in ways I can barely broach without feeling upset. I just wish I had a vacuum to suck all the goo out of him and make him feel better. :(

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