Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My employer decided to take me off the bookkeeping. I kept messing it up last week, and then yesterday, just as I was getting it down, the boss's wife had me do something I knew was wrong, but she insisted was correct and now, today, I'm suddenly not doing bookkeeping, but am the Sales Administrative Assistant.

I fucking hate sales. I'm supposed to make calls to people who gave us their phone number when they called in for lit. I'd rather chew glass. I didn't tell my boss that, but that's what I think about it. I know damned well the temp agency can find me something better.

I want Mike's big fat bonus to come in, so I can quit this shitty rotten job and sew blankets, cook, and teach Genny to read. She's *THIS* close to it. She knows all the letters and their sounds, so we need to work on the connecting them together thing. I also would like to finish up my incompletes. Oh, PLEASE, God, let Mike get his big fat bonus again?

If it doesn't, I'll be stuck doing this til Christmas, at which time, I'm giving notice and quitting!

Office work blows.

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