Saturday, February 28, 2004

I'm just really tired.

I worked my ass off on this stupid powerpoint presentation for my families class. I put sound in, I timed it, I had timed slides, I edited pauses out of the sound and it comes out at 7:57 and I have an 8 minute maximum. I get to class excited. And then it wouldn't work. I got home, told Mike, and he says,"I told you about that packaging thing a few days ago."

"Um, no you didn't."

"I was sure I did."

"Um, NO, you didn't."

Nonetheless, it now works, but I presented two minutes over. Fucking technology. At least I have a portfolio piece now.

Microsoft bastards.

The same day, I had the second IEP meeting in which the principal tried to tell me that I couldn't bring people to the meeting. Fortunately, my advocate informed her that by federal law I could bring whoever I wanted. The principal's jaw snapped shut and that was that. (I mean, was she going to tell me I couldn't have the advocate there, for Pete's sake?)

The IEP as it's written blows donuts, so we'll be working on the specifics between now and the BIG IEP meeting in May to clean it up.

One thing I found disturbing is that on some of the achievement testing, Bear scored off the charts. If that's the case, then why with all the work he is putting in is he only pulling B's and C's? I guess that means he meets the criterion for discrepancy. Either that or his teacher meets the criterion for "crappy." I think there's discrepancy, however, it's still bothersome to me.

I did research on the "who can come to the IEP meeting" for my other class. We are comparing and contrasting the difference between the IEP and the 504. I get to do the families aspect, so I called people and found out who can, by law, come to the IEP meeting. So far, I've only found information on the State law, but I'll be looking up IDEA on a legal site to find out what the stuff is there. I've heard a couple of catch phrases bandied about, so I'll be looking for those.

I've been informed that I am a geek. I've read way too much science fiction, I know too much computer crap, and apparently, and most importantly, I bite the heads off chickens. (Okay, okay, not really. I pet my chickens and tell them they're pretty. I collect their eggs and I promise them a rooster some day.)

I personally think I qualify as a nerd. I think anyone who spends the kinds of hours I do working on homework to pull down that A qualifies as a nerd and Mike and Sarah are just jealous. Hah! I think Mike is more of the geek. I especially like the definition for geek of: " n. previously a 4 letter word, now a 6 figure salary."

As a grad student, in that context, I'm definitely a nerd.

Today, however, just call me "Goddess of the Laundry."

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