Thursday, August 21, 2003

Tired and wet. Those are today's words.

It's been raining, which in the desert in mid-August is a welcome thing in many ways, it's also a big pain in the patooty.

I'm really worn out. I've been doing a lot of good stuff and on top of it all, shhhh, I'm going to start putting together that book. I talked with my old professor today and I asked her about it and she got me thinking about the where to start place, so I am going to start with a prospectus. I'm not clear what that is, exactly, but apparently, Prentice-Hall has a website to give you a good idea.

I know some of the books they published out of some of the dumbest professors at UC Davis, so I can't imagine that they wouldn't be interested in this.

I have to really consider that audience though. Who are you audience? Are you parents or teachers or student teachers or just exactly what?

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