Wednesday, August 06, 2003

My rib is beginning to heal. I'm sure the fact that my husband painted half the kitchen for me has a great deal to do with how fast I am healing. It helps additionally, that the kitchen looks fantabulous.

We've had some really weird weather of late. Usually, this time of the year in the desert is dryer than diabetic skin in winter, but we've had a lot of rain and that is making everything bloom at an odd time and my allergies are kicking up. Unfortunately, my asthma is kicking in, which means I'm coughing and hugging a pillow a lot.

I've got a lot of sewing done, in the works, etc. I expect to be sewing straight through Christmas. I've made two baby blankets (one is just tied and the other is just a sewn receiving blanket, I've got another one I'm quilting, I've got another I've got to piece and quilt and it gets uglier and uglier. I realized that I could actually make a cuddling blanket for someone, so I have to make that, too. My friend is having a boy in a month and a half, so I've got to go find boy clothes for her.

I should talk about A and what happened, but I'm so hurt right now, that I can't. I just won't be talking to her mom any time soon. Her mom is irresponsible and I can't hardly stand to watch. I don't understand people who do things to hurt their kids and then stand around and justify it. Leave it at that.

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