Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You realize at some point that you dislike someone enough to be apathetic to their existence. I'm at that place with my mother-in-law.

Mike asked to borrow money at the beginning of the summer because we had to pay the bills and he hadn't been doing his contract work until way too late and I hadn't been working because I was taking care of Russell. I was mortified, but I had been begging Mike for months and he was kind of passive aggressive and avoiding the whole thing. I don't know why, he just didn't.

I told him we could really use it and he just didn't do it until I finally explained the specifics of the situation and he finally got off his duff and started putting hours in the contract stuff. The contract stuff is really whatever time he wants to put in and it was something I told him he had to do for us to make bills, if I couldn't work because of Russell's asthma.

I got bitched out by her for not having a job and being frustrated with Mike for not doing his contract work.

She didn't ask about the kids and how they're doing. She didn't know when the Bear was in the hospital on suicide watch. She may be emailing Mike, but I know he doesn't communicate much.

I don't mind most of his family, but she's kind of like...Evil Incarnate.

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