Sunday, January 16, 2005

After all that shit, we signed on the refinance on Friday. We're not getting any moolah until Thursday.

However, God does work in mysterious ways. My father's mother sent my parents a bunch of money -- just cuz. And my folks sent my brother and I each $500 from that.

It will tide us over until things go through on Thursday.

I have elected to take a furniture refinishing class, so I can learn how to refinish my own cabinets and not have to pay so much to get it done.


In other unrelated news, last night, I got bit on the eyelid by a spider (I suspect due to the two fang marks), which, despite the benadryl, still managed to swell up both eyes and put a black ring around each, adding credence to the whole idea that my husband beats me (with his rhythm stick, baby).

I went to urgent care, spent money I wished I didn't have to spend to get antibiotics and antihistamines. Tonight, I just want to scratch my eye out because while last night it hurt like an ice pick in the eye, tonight, it itches in all new and horrible ways. I need to go to bed and take my drugs, already, but I'm waiting on laundry, so my husband doesn't have to go to work in a scuzzy t-shirt and a pair of shorts.


Today he was wearing a shirt with some 50's guy on it that said,"Pull my finger."

I need one that says,"Light a match, quick!"

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