Yesterday, I took the kids to the water park. We took Mel.
I forgot what a pain in the ass taking a baby to the water park is. Basically, you stay planted at the kiddie pool all day standing in 6 inches of water. We did make it to the lazy river, but apparently, this was also the day that at least 4 schools decided to take a field trip to the water park. I've never seen so many ill-behaved unsupervised kids in my life. Kids were shoving the girls around such that they got dumped at one point off their double tube. Mel kept protecting the baby from splashing.
I played scary old broad though. These kids had a splash fight and I kept getting nailed. Not that I really minded, but they were being really obnoxious, so I turned faced the ringleader and splashed the snot out of him. Then I said,"Okay, so knock it off now, would ya?" I heard kids murmuring to themselves about the scary old lady, but I was facing Mel and giggling my ass off.
I played with a couple kids. I kept wishing Russell was around to have splash fights with. Not a big awful one, just a little one where I get to hug him. He was in there with us, but content to be away from his sister, because apparently, that's just not cool.
I mentioned something about this many hoodlums to one of the park employees and they said that Fridays are the worst in the summer because that's when all the recreation programs show up. I have officially marked off Friday as a day that I will NOT be visiting the water park. Russell is too sensitive to being jostled for it to be fun for him and I'm too fragile with my wrecked knee to be tolerant of it myself. I feel very curmudgeony, on one hand, but I've got a little kid who doesn't swim well, a big kid who doesn't swim well, and a lot of weight on a fragile knee, on the other.
Well, the MIL is coming, so it's off to clean I go. I may not be back for a bit here because I will be insanely cleaning my house and to do various home improvement projects in the interim. Then I'll get surgery and be able to rest.
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