So much for feeling better. I had the misfortune to sleep with too much weight upon my eustaschian tube on the right side and am here at 4AM wishing that there was lots more percocet. I was having this dream about being shot at and having to jump from high distances into a pool, in my brain's attempt to work with the agony.
I finally had the good sense to wake up and take a percocet which frankly made the gun shot rally deeper and deeper into my skull -- while conscious.
A brief yoga move and some restoration, but I'm tired enough to where doing yoga at this fucking hour of the night is NOT an appetizing thought. I did pray while I did it asking God to flow through my body and take with Him the pain of my ears, but sweet yes-you-me it hurts. It makes me want to wake up the household and make them wait on me hand and foot. It makes me whimper for the days of yore when I had a freakin' rice sock and actually knew where the danged fool thing was.
Although, let's be truthful here, this hurts worse.
Maybe I should have been brave enough to take the liquid percocet because it kicks in harder and faster, but then, of course, I'd have had to take the cancer-patient-quick-dissolve-in-your-mouth-anti-yack meds. It's far too complicated to be in pain. Far too complicated.
Of course, then I might have missed presenting you with the image of a nimble 300 lb. woman jolting out of bed and sprinting to the bathroom at Olympian speeds to merely pass gas upon the porcelain goddess for fear of soiling her bed linens.
I'm going to watch Nothing puts me to sleep faster than tile.
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