Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Today was kinda boring.

I enjoyed being at the pool with the kids and LaDawn's mom and Tracy. We kind of hung out and talked.

Afterwards, I went to the place where I bought the $10 capezio tights for Genny's dance recital that I never ended up using and got back my $10.70 and took the kids to McDonalds.

What is it about McDonald's playland? There is ALWAYS one freaking screamer kid. It's the kid who is screaming, in apparent delight freaking constantly, whose screams register in decibel levels I was fairly sure I'd lost in my encroaching old age. And it's always the kid of the parents who are too freaking oblivious to give a flying crap.

Today's screamer came with a mother who had two out of three girls with rat's nests in their hair. I know sometimes it's easy to forget to run a brush through a kid's hair, but to forget hair that is sticking up in the back and is tangled into whole new macrame designs on TWO kids and to have the Mickey D's screamer seems like rampant neglect or something. I just felt kind of bad for the two girls with yucky hair and pissed about the screamer.

He finally let out one more blood curdling scream of delight, and my worst ear about split, so I got kids and we blew out of there, muttering something completely curmudgeony about "damned kids."

I tried to get Genny to nap.

No dice.

I'm almost positive she has an ear infection now because she's so cranky and so pissy and so freakin' congested. We'll see how she is tomorrow, but if we do the same shit tomorrow as today, I may be responsible for leaving throttling marks around her neck or leaving clumps of my hair on the floor.

Okay, probably not, but I'm sure it will warrant a call to the pediatrician. Dammit.


Mel officially leaves on Monday, so we're having a barbecue and saying goodbye.

I just feel heartbroken and sad and angry and lonely. I've been noticing how we're trying to pull apart and not cry about it. We've been doing nice things for each other and spending lots of time together, but it's difficult.

She gave me the most beautiful thank you card, just for letting her use my gas card for one tank of gas and it made me sad for the future stuff that we won't get to do together. With her pregnant again, I'm sad about not getting to see her much to prepare and shop together. I think that makes me saddest. I do know that I'll be running up my phone bill to talk to her because they probably won't have the money and stuff.


Mike's on the bed looking all GQ and I just want to go put my face on his chest and inhale. G'night.

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