Friday, March 11, 2005

I did laundry, floors, and stained shelf boards today. I also took a half hour nap and things hurt in new places, but the house looks less "ohmigoshcallthehealthdepartment" and more "Wow, what a nice house."

And that's after Genny and Lulu terrorized the house and thoroughly went through Genny's drawers looking for stuff to wear around to play "baby." Just. Don't. Ask.

We also have a $300 septic problem. I paid $54 to have things snaked and have the toilet fixed. The guy was fabulously nice and I gave him a jar of jam because he didn't charge us nearly what we got charged last time by the thief, I mean plumber who was here last.

It's really weird though how when I'm having a good day how I still feel the exhaustion in my body. It's like a hangover of sorts. Being patient sucks eggs.


The bummer of the day was that I called Leann and she was having problems. Then, I went and saw her. Her room was a mess -- no one had cleaned up for her. She didn't have enough space to put her stuff on a bedside table -- they'd given her a small stool which wasn't nearly big enough to hold a phone, her meds, water, food, etc. And worst, she was alone and sad and scared. I laid on the bed next to her and rubbed her back while she cried. I told her I was sorry she was suffering and then got to work. I felt bad that I couldn't stay longer, but I picked up her room, brought her one of the kid's tables from the livingroom to put her stuff on, brought her fresh water, and cut her fresh fruit to eat.

Then I went home and made her potato leek soup and called the relief society person from her church and told the gal that we needed to set something up where someone visited her around lunch time to make sure that she ate and had company during the week. When I visited with the soup, that person was there, and she had grabbed laundry to do some at her house and had told the teenage son to run the vacuum. I got Leann to eat a half cup of soup, which was more solid food than she'd had since she'd been home from what I could gather. I gave instructions to the teenager that he was to make her a half cup in a couple hours and bring it into her and have her eat.

Leann has a bladder infection and she's not improving with the antibiotics and in fact, has gotten worse. We called the doctor's office repeatedly with little luck. I am very worried about her. I'm calling her tomorrow to find out what's going on. I'm afraid that they'll readmit her to the hospital!

If you're a praying person, say one for her or think good thoughts in her general direction. She's someone who really needs them.

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