Boy, everything hurt today from working out yesterday, and on top of it all, I've started snoring while wearing my mask, according to Mike. Or he said,"It could just be a strange sucking sound from your mask fitting funny or something." Being that I have a good seal on my mask, I would like to take this opportunity to SCREAM in frustration, but I'm too damned tired.
I guess it's not a bad thing that my butt and thighs hurt -- it just meant I wasn't up to the same workout today, so I just did 12 minutes and stretched for 20, and my muscles feel better. With the lack of good sleep, however, my recovery was less than ideal anyhow. Today, I tried the bikes, but it just wasn't working for me and I finally gave up and went back to the ass-kicking of the elliptical trainer. I ran Bear to school, informed teachers of his therapy schedule, and then came home and went back to bed. For. Three. Hours.
Panicked, I called and apologized to LaDawn for not being there sooner, but Genny was already asleep, so she said to just come at 4PM. Thankfully, I paid her a lot this week, so she wasn't mad. Somewhere in this, I just realized that I had an oatmeal cookie for lunch. Geez!
Tomorrow, if I'm not hurting too awfully, I'll go walk around the hill a little.
In my head, I'm supposed to have done all this stuff and I'm tired enough to where it didn't get done, so I'm guilty and cranky with myself. The kitchen looks horrid. The bedroom looks like a nuclear wasteland, but on the bright side, the livingroom is picked up.
Miracles *can* happen. :)
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