Thursday, September 04, 2008

So I went to the cheap store for produce...and they couldn't cut me the deal they usually cut me, but the guy directed me to this produce warehouse place in Sparks.

I bought a 40 lb box of tomatoes, a 40 lb box of tomatillos, a box of red bell peppers, and a 10 lb box of jalapenos for $35 less than I would have paid.

I made my first tomatillo salsa tonight. It's cooling in the boiler, so I haven't tried it yet. I used a combination of green, red and yellow hot chiles for pretty colors in it and to make it look more festive, you know? I also added some water to it. I think I'm going to try pureeing it in the cuisinart tomorrow and see if I don't like the consistency better. I hand chopped everything, so it was kind of chunky looking.

I think I should make a huge batch and make part of it hand chopped. I also am using lime juice in lieu of their vinegar and lemon juice and I tossed in a quart of water, which I then cooked out. I tossed in some of Mike's smoked chiles, but I think I'm going to make a batch that's tomatoes and chipotles only and probably will pick up a few habaneros at farmer's market on Friday and that'll be Friday's canning extravaganza.

The tomatoes were kind of orangy, so I've got a few days to get to them.
My stupid car battery is dead, so I got the car from Mike at noon and bought a new one at Costco. My husband, who is never mechanically inclined, was also quite unmotivated (read very tired), so I'm having to drive with him to work tomorrow, so I can take Russell to the dr's. I also have to blow off a day of income at the "opportunity" high school and purchase him a socket wrench extender. It's gotta be longer. Doesn't that always seem to be the case with men?

Add to this that I am planning on spending the morning at LaDawn's to do laundry and fix her computer and I've got a lot going on.

I'm probably going to be tempted to blow off dealing with tomatillos, but I can't. They're already starting to turn a little and the produce dude told me to process them fast, so I'll be the dead critter tomorrow night.

And with this much produce, I'm going to have to plan not to work on Friday at all, even though Fridays are favorite sick days of most teachers.

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