I know I'm easily amused lately,bit my husband took a fragment of the original banana phone song and put it on my phone for me. It makes me laugh every time I hear it and God knows that lately, I could use a good laugh because today was a day from hell.
I took Russell to the doctor for his cold/asthma. He's now on steroids.
As the doctor walks in, I get a phone call from the school and I'm thinking, "Oh, crap, it's the nurse and I hope she doesn't need stitches." It was the principal. Genny had taken a knife to school to show off -- Mike's Swiss Army knife. I about crapped my pants. Then Genny had had the unmitigated gall to lie her ass off about it to the principal and to imagine that the principal would be that dumb.
Yeah...flabbergasted. That's me.
Called the psychiatrist. Had a meeting at the school. Bought 6 gi-normous crates to put her toys, books and assorted crap in to limit her world. The school has her on detention for 3 days pending how she does. If she continues to pull this shrugging passive/aggressive bullshit, she'll get more days.
Still stewing on how to handle it all. Gonna pack up her room on Friday. Going to devise a system by which she can earn her belongings back.
So much for working this week.
Tomorrow, the inlaws come to Reno. Oh, Joy.
Hell, Nevada. Apparently, it's a place I live in.
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