Today was my appointment day for the week. Unfortunately, I managed to fuck up 2 of three appointments. I had a PT appointment for Russell, but spent close to an hour searching for my keys. I learned that one should never send a reticent 11 year old to look for one's keys in weird spots. My freaking PDA told me my dentist appointment was 1 hour AFTER it actually was. Of course, they can't reschedule until late August or September and by the time I get my stupid teeth cleaned it's going to have been a couple years. It's pissing me off because my pda does this a lot and because my computer puked, I had no way to cross check it.
However, the biggest news occurred at the appointment we made it to -- the eye doctor. Both kids require glasses. Genny more than Russell. It makes sense in retrospect because she was so on top of her letters and the sounds they make and yet, she seemed still to be struggling and couldn't seem to make that jump to reading that we had been expecting, though numbers were easier for some reason. I think that was me, too, when I was found to have a vision problem in the first grade. Russell only needs them for reading, computer, etc. Genny's going to need them from the time she gets up in the morning until bedtime.
We bought the virtually indestructible frames for them, but it was a horrifying $150+ even WITH insurance. Of course, Russell had to have the pair that was an additional $111 more because he wanted bigger glass to look through. *sigh* I was bummed out about the unexpected expense of it, but I paid them part of it and will be able to pay the rest next week after payday. I was also bummed that what few genes the kids got from me involved bad eyesight! Yeesh!
Couldn't they get my super curly pinky toe or my long fingers?
Other than that, Sarah and I talked last night.
I'm considering working again -- probably next year because Bear is going to need adjustment support getting into the junior high environment and I suspect Genny is going to need some getting accustomed to Kindergarten being a boring academic adventure frought with socialization trials. I've got Ladawn covering the homeschooling academics for her, next year. I'll be able to request testing for her to begin at the beginning of first grade because she's super bright and I will be getting the gifted and talented IEP put in place for her. I think though, I need that year of not working to be there for the kids.
If it turns out to be a smoother transition than expected, then I may work sooner.
The thing is that Sarah runs this afterschool literacy program. I'd be great for it and because we're such good friends, we'd teamwork the hell outta it.
Things to look forward to, along with a reduced waistline and metabolism disorder drugs. ;)
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