The appraisal came just shy of what we wanted by about $10K, so after all that effort, we're saying,"Aw, fuck it." And we're going to go ahead with it.
It's disturbing overall because I know I'd list it for nearly $40K more than it appraised for and we'd easily take $20-30 more than the appraisal cost.
It's okay though. We'll do this again next year and the landscaping will be done and the windows will be done and we'll make some progress on the kitchen, replacing the sink and stovetop fan. If I also tile the countertop myself, the only thing left will be the floor and I might be willing to slap that on the credit card just before the appraisal, and perhaps AFTER they pull my credit report, so that I can get it done, but not on my credit report.
Sneaky, I know.
Today, was my culposcopy. They biopsied my cervix. The doc said that the cells were easy to see, but the question is how developed they are. My hope is that I won't need to consider a hysterectomy for another year or so. I want to get the kids safely transitioned into their new school settings.
I don't want cancer -- no matter how slow growing it is.
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