Well, I fell asleep not far through the showing of episode 4, but Mike agreed that while character development is good, it isn't necessarily worth a whole movie or three, i.e., Episodes 1-3.
That household dispute settled, my irises bloomed today! Two of three buds are up and unfolded beautifully. I also saw that my newly planted evening primrose bloomed. I watered everything but the nectarines, but I am so getting on the husband to rototill things because Spring has skipped us by completely and we are already in summer at 80+ degrees. My tulips kind of sent up a couple shoots, decided it was too cold and then too hot, and then died back. I'm still watering them because there's always next year.
I'm getting my body back after surgery -- not quite as stiff, not limping so much, almost able to do a full fish pose without the stupid pillows in yoga, but the flexibility backwards is still really lacking in the ole joint-a-rooney. I think some of that is because it's still swollen quite a bit. I'm a little embarrassed to wear shorts in all this heat, but I figure the two recent scars on my knee give away my stiffness. (Betty, I said,"Stiffness.")
I want to get my plants in. I've been watering all of these lovely pots full of promising shoots of green, so now I'd like to get the danged things in the garden before it's way too danged late in the season to get squat. I've got tomatillos, I'm spoiling and whispering sweet nothings to until the hubbins tills the gardens. Why it takes two days to clean a spark plug you can replace for about a buck at the hardware store and my rototiller still doesn't work, I'll never know.
It's a mystery much like where toe jam comes from.
Some things are just best left unknown.
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