Today, I didn't actually get to do anything for myself except stop at Starbucks on the way to taking Genny to dance.
I started the day by going to the 6th grade 60's musical revue. It was generally pretty cute, though the band concert part of it was awful. It made me appreciate the years of patience my parents had listening to me practice and dragging to every freakin' band recital I ever had. I also realized where half the songs I hum to myself in the course of the day come from -- early ventures into music.
Don't ask me about the humming to myself thing. I just do hum when I'm doing stuff, particularly stuff that I loathe, to make it easier to get through. I also just hum sometimes to hum. My favorite humming song is the "CanCan." Weird things you learned about Wendy and were definitely afraid to ask about.
Russell wanted a change of costume for the second show this afternoon, so I went home, got that, and dropped it off. I then drove to the one big town we're in between to have lunch with Mike. I stopped and picked up some meat for dinner. I stopped at home for 5 minutes to dump a big thing of baked beans, the meat, and some bbq sauce in a crock pot set on high. I then grabbed Genny's dance crap and picked her up at dance and drove to the other big town we live between. On the way to go to the bank, the traffic was so bad that I turned around and went to the least convenient bank. Then I called Mike and gave him instructions for making dinner and got home in time to eat it.
Then I wrote three pages of material for Russell IEP.
Tomorrow is Russell's IEP. It's not going to be fun or pretty. It's also not going to be over any time soon -- this year has shown all the stuff we did wrong. The teachers from the current school aren't going to like seeing what we did wrong nor admitting it, so that's going to be the ugly part. I'm going to have to find tact. That's what I'm praying for.
The tact to ask for what Russell needs without pissing anyone off too much.
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