Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Well, I went to the high school.

Wow, the issues I have with it, are nearly unending.
It's 7-12th grades, for example. They have times where the grades do mix. Walking through there, I could totally see Russell getting jostled and hitting the floor. Also, the schedule is crazy. It's not like college -- MWF or TTH classes, but a few classes here and there with no rhyme or reason involved. Bizarre at best.

(/sarcasm beging)
Hey, let's give a crazy schedule to a kid who already has organization problems. That's a good idea. (/sarcasm end) I can just see someone with a candid camera watching these kids the first month and seeing just how messed up they get.

The school suggested a half day schedule with me homeschooling otherwise. The problem is while that addresses the organization problems, it does nothing to address his developmental issues.

Thus, in frustration and desperation, I called my advisor at the university and she said that I should look into this one charter school. So I did. The principal is going to come out and observe Russell and see if they can "handle" him at their school. I said fine and let his teacher know. They also said they were willing to give him an accelerated math curriculum. When I mentioned that to Russell, he was all over going to this school -- whether or not he repeated 6th grade. He didn't care as long as he got the faster math instruction.

I still feel overwhelmed. I need to get my butt together and get my incompletes turned over into the A's I am capable of. *sigh*

At least, I got a pretty good night's sleep last night.

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