Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Well, it wasn't asthma, it was bronchitis kicking in hard. I'm on antibiotics and while there's improvement, there's also the total agony of coughing up lung chunkage. My whole back feels like someone ran over it with a bulldozer. On top of which, we had to have the entire house spiffed up for an appraisal for the refinance we've decided to do on Monday. So bronchitis diagnosis on Saturday -- appraisal on Monday. Insomniac on Tuesday...Okay...super freaking early Wednesday.

I've pretty well said "fuck it" to getting anything further done toward Christmas. I have revised what I am doing for Genny's princess dress for Disney World and she could care less, but I'm somewhat perturbed. I did find at JCPenney outlet a dress that would go with the Santa cape for $13.

I'm just depressed. I have all of this stuff towards xmas boxes done that I can't begin to do before Christmas. So, I'm sending out New Year's presents. I'm celebrating Christmas on New Year's Eve. When I get home on the 30th, I will make up my presents, finish my mailings and do it then.

I can't sleep because I can't breathe, so my Christmas wish is a small one -- 8 -10 hours of sleep.


On top of all of this shit, Mike's raise was essentially nonexistent. He didn't do the spifftacular job they'd come to expect and raises were substantially nailed because they had to pay the shareholders their dividends. I'm angry, worried, and just generally pissed.

With the refinance, however, we'll be okay.

Ultimately, we'll be okay. I keep trying to get past being angry and just give it to God, but I'm being familiarly human and failing at it, so far.

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Peace on earth and in your neck of the woods.

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