Friday, December 10, 2004

I'm not entirely sure why, but my asthma is kicked up. I did some manual labor today, but nothing is blooming, so there's nothing that should be making me icky, yet, I am. I just poured bags of rocks next to the garage in a place that is usually the weedy corner of the building. I sprayed round-up, put down black plastic, and then poured about 10 bags of rocks out there. They weren't even dusty or nuffin.

I've been doing that high tight cough thing and it hurts. I don't want to go on steroids again, but it's pretty bad and I'm not sure what would be best to do. I guess I'll be calling the doctor to determine that or making a quick run to the emergency room.


I've started up my sewing again -- halfway through the xmas blanket for my bro and his wife, starting to put together the pieces of the princess dress for Ms. Thang.

We have all the shelves done, just drying and Mike is insistent that we must have a certain bracket in order to put up the shelves, despite the fact that I bought it for him and now, it's disappeared. Tomorrow at the butt crack o' dawn, ostensibly, I'll be making a run at Home Depot, which is actually a thinly veiled excuse to go to Starbucks.

So tired.

The appraisal is on Monday at 11AM. Unfortunately, the guy that was supposed to come and do our garage door never called or showed, so we're going to have to get some help to get the damned garage door fixed. We're going to try calling Gorden and Dan and see if they can help just close the darned thing. I don't care if it works, I just care that it is closed when the appraiser pulls up.

Now, the doctor call. Ain't we got fun.

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