Friday, July 02, 2004

The mask is not working so hot. Apparently, they should have given me a chin strap to keep my damned mouth shut. Frankly, I would have preferred hush money, but what to do, what to do.

This shit sounds kinkier and kinkier.

Anyhow, tonight, I try the new and improved full face mask. My hope is that I'll breath my way through a good night's sleep and generally feel like a human being in the morning. Unfortunately, today, I felt like less of a human being and that rather sucked.

I did enjoy tonight's thunderstorm, however. It was really kind of wonderful. I watched this loud raucous thunderstorm kind of slip within a mile of us over the mountains to the east. I drove the car up and followed it a little looking for lightning and thunder. I saw a rainbow. I drove back home and watched the rainbow disappearing and at first, I couldn't imagine that all the rain was gone, but then I realized that the rainbow was setting with the sun dropping behind the Sierras to the West. I've never seen a rainbow set before. I swear I live in heaven.

Before I embarked on my storm chasing adventures, I saw Spider Man 2 with the Boy. He flopped around like a fish in the scary scenes and then I was wondering if I really should have taken him. Usually, he asks to hold my hand now and then, but today, he was clinging like a fabric softener sheet to my arm. I think he was doing it to some degree for the attention, but I'm going to seriously rethink taking him to the next movie of the same genre.

And me -- usually, I'm the wiggly one, thought it was interesting and enjoyed it.

Spiderman commentary (I don't think I'm ruining anything, but read at your own risk):

How does one refer to web dysfunction as a result of a relationship? Should Spiderman take some kind of arachnid viagra for that? If he has to take a minute to slip into his costume, does he also down his arachnid viagra for his web dysfunction? Am I crazy to just get the irony that Dr. Oct is an eight-limbed critter, as is a spider? Or am I just really slow on the uptake?

Well, I have been rather oxygen deprived. That's the excuse I'm going with anyhow.

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