Wednesday, May 28, 2003

I am way tired, after painting three bedrooms, the hallway, and the large livingroom (with 10' walls)and we never really had spring, but have gone straight to summer with temps in the 80's and 90's with a week of transition in the 70's.

My ankles balloon ankles -- usually indicative of my diabetes going straight to hell are deflated. While my sugars were bad, my doctor told me to take some time off and loaf a little. So I laid off the painting and am working on my gardens. I've got the front flower bed nearly half weeded and got the garden tilled and weeded. I've put in my perimeter of marigolds, as well as have already purchased peppers and tomatoes. I'm going to have to start corn separately to keep the birds out of the seedlings and wait a bit to transplant. The really good news is that my sugars have come down and I'm feeling better, and the swelling is down, too. The only bitch about gardening instead of painting is that my pale white freckly Irish skin is now red and heavily freckled and there's just not enough aloe vera with lidocaine for me.

I think Rupert the hen is actually possibly a rooster because the animal looks a lot more red and jowly and bigger-combed than the other birds. That may be a function of her species, but it may also be gender. Only time will tell. She looks lots better these days and is getting feathers. The other birds are getting huge and the little puffballs are now about the size that their older counterparts were when I got them with the feathers coming in. Last night, I smelled our neighborhood skunk go down and check out the henhouse, but thankfully, nothing startled it into spraying again last night.

For his birthday, I got Mike these little grown up walkie talkies and he just loves them. Last night, because my husband is insane, he was crawling around under the house trying to install cable in our bedroom and we were flirting over the walkie talkies. He finally got it all installed and now, I'm here writing because my computer is on the net again.

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